
Dec 23, 2016 23:57
Today university staffs and teachers gathered and a big year-end party called "bonenkai" was held.

I eat delicious meats, sushi, fruits, and drank alcohol a lot.

Songs and showy dance by Brazilians were presented as a sideshow act.

After that, a lottery event that contains gorgeous prizes was performed.

I couldn't get anything, but they were really fun.

The literal meaning of "bonenkai" is "a party to forget the year", and it is often held in Japan to forget the hardship of the year.

However, since I still have a lot of work remain, I cannot forget this year yet.







No. 1 南蛮人's correction
  • Bonenkai
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today university staffs and teachers gathered and a big year-end party called "bonenkai" was held.
  • Today the university staffs and teachers gathered and a big year-end party called "bonenkai" was held.

    and held a big year-end party called "bonenkai"

    a bit more natural
  • I eat delicious meats, sushi, fruits, and drank alcohol a lot.
  • I eat ate delicious meats, sushi, fruits, and drank a lot of alcohol a lot.
     ate => past

    Really important (食べた)
  • Songs and showy dance by Brazilians were presented as a sideshow act.
  • Songs and showy dance by Brazilians were presented as a sideshow act.
     "showy" is bit strange, maybe "flashy".

    The sentence is overall a bit awkward but I really can't fix it without rewriting it completely.
  • After that, a lottery event that contains gorgeous prizes was performed.
  • After that, a lottery event that contains gorgeous prizes was performed held.
  • I couldn't get anything, but they were really fun.
  • I couldn't get didn't win anything, but they the prizes were really fun.
  • The literal meaning of "bonenkai" is "a party to forget the year", and it is often held in Japan to forget the hardship of the year.
  • The literal meaning of "bonenkai" is "a party to forget the year", and it is often held in Japan to forget the hardships of the year.
  • However, since I still have a lot of work remain, I cannot forget this year yet.
  • However, since I still have a lot of work remaining, I cannot forget this year yet.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
No. 2 IrishAlex's correction
  • Today university staffs and teachers gathered and a big year-end party called "bonenkai" was held.
  • Today the university staff and teachers gathered for a big year-end party called "bonenkai".
  • Songs and showy dance by Brazilians were presented as a sideshow act.
  • Songs and a dance by Brazilians were presented as a sideshow act.
  • After that, a lottery event that contains gorgeous prizes was performed.
  • After that there was a lottery event with gorgeous prizes.
  • The literal meaning of "bonenkai" is "a party to forget the year", and it is often held in Japan to forget the hardship of the year.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, since I still have a lot of work remain, I cannot forget this year yet.
  • However, since I still have a lot of work to do, I cannot forget this year yet.
Thank you very much always for correcting my post! (^^)